Christ Fellowship Church was birthed out of a desire at the Church at Brook Hills to plant churches in the Birmingham area. As Brook Hills preached the Word, one of the core convictions that repeatedly arose was that if they as a church were faithfully making disciples, then they ought to be multiplying churches. This was taught regularly by the then senior pastor, David Platt, as well as by the other pastors and elders at Brook Hills.
Prior to planting Christ Fellowship Church, Bart Box was called to Brook Hills in 2009 as the Pastor for Biblical Training. Bart was responsible for teaching various seminary-like Bible and theology classes, for assisting in the preaching ministry on Sunday mornings, and for overseeing Brook Hills’ church planting residency program.
In 2011, after embracing the idea of planting churches in the Birmingham area, two Homewood-area small groups from Brook Hills began to discuss what it would look like for the Church at Brook Hills to multiply in Homewood. These two groups approached the leadership at the church to explore what it might look like to plant a local church in Homewood. These groups joined with two other Brook Hills small groups and began meeting with Bart about planting a congregation in the Homewood/Southside area of Birmingham.
Beginning in September of 2011, these groups merged into a core team of about 30 members who met on Monday nights in a photography studio downtown. Under Bart’s leadership through the Word, we discussed the basic principles of who we would be as a church. That core group continued meeting weekly until April 2012. During that time, the Church at Brook Hills regularly prayed for our team, sought to send out more of its own members to help start the church, contributed financially to the establishment of the church, and commissioned our initial core team in March of 2012.
Christ Fellowship Church officially began on Sunday, April 1, 2012. On our first Sunday together, 60 charter members signed the Christ Fellowship Church covenant, the same covenant that we solemnly and joyfully affirm today.
We spent a few years meeting at an IronTribe gym on Southside, about five years meeting at Rosewood Hall in downtown Homewood, and we moved into our new meeting location at 76 Green Springs Highway on December 16, 2018. The Lord has been very gracious to us, and we pray that he will continue to grow his kingdom through his people.