CFC Youth exists to support the mission of Christ Fellowship Church to make mature disciples of Christ who love God and neighbor among middle and high school students.
We want to see the gospel to spread every corner of their lives and every corner of the globe by seeing students who graduate from our ministry know these 6 things:
- The Gospel of Christ and their identity in Him
- The importance of God’s Word
- The importance of the local church
- How to share the Gospel
- How to serve the world
- How to live in light of the Gospel they believe
- Gospel-centered Bible teaching
- Authentic friendships between students and leaders
- Involvement in the life of the church
- Clear communication with parents
- Outward evangelistic focus
- Excellence in all things
- We take the things of God seriously.
- We treat people with the respect that God intends for them to receive.
- We try to have as much fun as possible.
Contact Information:
- Billy Shepard: bshepard@cfcbirmingham.org (205) 746-3456
- Keri Westbrook: kwestbrook@cfcbirmingham.org
Week to Week Overview
- Logistics
- We meet from 5:00-6:30 on non-prayer/member meeting Sunday nights.
- The kids should be dropped off and picked up at the new entrance by the fellowship hall.
- Content
- We will have a roughly 15-minute, age-appropriate Bible study that is usually part of a series.
- Approximately once a quarter, we will have a topical study on something like a spiritual discipline or another topic of particular relevance.
- After the lead teaching time comes to an end, the students will break out into age and gender specific small groups for further discussion.
- The final 15 minutes will usually be a game of some kind.