Sundays at 10:30am



Preparing to Worship on Sunday, July 27, 2014

 Samuel Thumbnail

Sermon: "A Right Thing Wrongly Desired"

The preaching passage: 1 Samuel 8:1-12:25

These books trace the rise of kingship in Israel, beginning with Saul and transitioning to Israel's greatest king, David. The story is fraught with ups and downs for the nation, as well as  spectacular displays of righteousness and spectacular forays into sin by the kings themselves. All along, the kingship in Israel directs our gaze to the coming King, who is no mere human king, but is Himself the divine King! The cry of Israel in 1 Samuel 10:24 – "Long live the king!" – was far more significant than they knew. For 2 Samuel 7 tells us of the King who would eventually come, whose throne and Kingdom would be established forever. We know that King to be none other than Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. So with Israel we cry, "Long live the King!"

This Sunday we'll continue our journey, looking at the demand for king and what that says about desires and pursuits in our own lives.

Songs we'll sing together include:

“Crown Him with Many Crowns” by Bridges, Elvey, & Thring

“Before the Throne of God Above” by Bancroft & Cook 

“Lead Us Back” by Giles & Ritter

“Man of Sorrows” by Bliss & Kottas

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” by Mason & Watts

See you Sunday!