Sundays at 10:30am



Preparing to Worship on Sunday, January 8, 2017

Matthew 2016 Banner-01

Preaching Passage: Matthew 16

Sermon Title: The Grace of Following Jesus

Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series on Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom. Come worship with us as we look at Peter's confession that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God and celebrate the grace that the Lord gives us.

Here are the songs we will sing together:

"On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand" by Stennett (YouTube)

"O Love That Will Not Let Me Go" by Matheson & Miner (YouTube)

"Not In Me" by Schumacher & Ward (YouTube)

"Man of Sorrows" by Mandy K. & Bliss (CFC)

"Be Thou My Vision" by Byrne & Hull (YouTube)

See you Sunday morning!