Sundays at 10:30am



Advent Devotional - December 10, 2016

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“Israel’s strength and consolation / Hope of all the earth Thou art / Dear desire of every nation / Joy of every longing heart”

-Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

We all have “longing hearts”—wanting things the world cannot perfectly provide. We are confronted daily with our weakness, our frailty, our unmet desires, and our yearning for that which makes us feel whole. Much like Israel. Desiring prosperity, protection, and abundance, Israel all too often failed to recognize the God who alone can bestow these things.

As believers, we are God’s chosen people, like Israel was God’s chosen nation. And yet, even in the midst of Advent and in light of that truth, it is possible to feel deserted. Bruised by the world or haunted by past sins, Christians can view Advent as something that is not for them. But oh, how they want it to be! Believer, you are Israel and Jesus is your strength and consolation. You have hope and it is more real and lasting than any gift under the tree. Those of you filled with longing for what you don’t have or for that which you’ve lost, it is possible to experience joy. Our consolation this Christmas is this: Jesus has overcome the world, and by his love we— you and me—are more than conquerors. As Charles Spurgeon put it, “Yes, I cast myself upon my living Lord; and He is mine.”

We long to be known and loved. We long not to stumble. Our Heavenly Father knows this. In Isaiah 45:2-3, He tells us that He goes before us leveling mountains, breaking down barriers that stand in our way, and giving us treasures and riches that the world has tried to hide. He does this “so that you may know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by name.” Longing heart, you have a heavenly comfort and promise which cannot be taken from you. Rest in that today.