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Archives for August 2017

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Preparing for Worship on August 27, 2017

Preaching Passage: Daniel 4:1-37 Sermon Title: The Insanity of Pride Join us this Sunday as we continue our sermon series in the book of Daniel. This Sunday we will look at Daniel 4 as mighty king Nebuchadnezzar learns that there is a still greater king who is able to humble all who walk in pride. Here are songs we will sing together this week: "Psalm 100"arr. by Bou...

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Racial Division and the Gospel

Over the last few weeks, our nation has experienced again very sad and very significant division regarding race. Here a just a few thoughts that should guide us in days like these: We should be engaged politically, but not like the world practices politics. The most political thing we can say as Christians is this: "Jesus is our King." Think about Acts 17:6-7: ...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, August 20, 2017

Preaching Passage: Daniel 3:1-30 Sermon Title: The Fiery Furnace Join us this Sunday as we continue our sermon series in the book of Daniel. This Sunday we will look at Daniel 3 and the trust that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego place in the Lord. In addition to the songs we will sing together, we will also be able to celebrate baptism thsi weekend. Here are songs we ...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, August 13, 2017

Preaching Passage: Daniel 2:1-49 Sermon Title: A Dream Come True Join us this Sunday as we continue our sermon series in the book of Daniel. This Sunday we will look at Daniel 2 and the coming Kingdom of God that "shall stand forever!" Here are the songs we will sing together: "Praise To the Lord the Almighty" by Neander (YouTube) "By Faith" by Getty Townend (YouTu...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, August 6, 2017

Preaching Passage: Daniel 1:1-21 Sermon Title: Behind Enemy Lines Join us this Sunday as we begin a new sermon series in the book of Daniel. Come hear God's Word as we sing, pray, and preach, seeing how God would have us live as his people in an often hostile land. Here are the songs we will sing together: "Nothing But the Blood" by Lowry (YouTube) "How Firm a Found...

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