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Archives for March 2017

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, April 2, 2017

Preaching Passage: Matthew 26:17-19, 26-29 Sermon Title: Jesus and the Disciples Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series on Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom. This week we will be looking at Jesus taking the last supper with his disciples. Come worship with us as we rejoice at Jesus as the fulfillment of the Passover and look forward to the time we will celeb...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, March 26, 2017

Preaching Passage: Matthew 26:1-27:10 Sermon Title: Jesus, Judas, and Peter Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series on Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom. As we look this week at Judas and Peter, let's prepare our hearts to see the treachery of our own sin, as well as the wonder of God's grace toward us. Here are the songs we will sing together: "God Your Ev...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday March 19, 2017

Preaching Passage: Matthew 25:1-46 Sermon Title: How to Wait for Jesus Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series on Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom. Come worship with us as we look at how he encourages us to live ready for his return. Here are the songs we will sing together: "Psalm 23" by David (YouTube) "Shine into Our Night" by Sczebel(YouTube) "Thy Me...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, March 12, 2017

Preaching Passage: Matthew 24:1-51 Sermon Title: Jesus and the Future Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series on Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom. We will get to rejoice that Jesus is the great conquerer of death, and he is coming back one day to save his people! Here are the songs we will sing together: "All Creatures of Our God and King" by Francis, Drap...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, March 5, 2017

Preaching Passage: Matthew 23:1-39 Sermon Title: Warnings, Woes, and Weeping Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series on Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom. As we look at Jesus' warning to the Pharisees and scribes, let's ask the Holy Spirit to convict us where we have fallen short, to encourage us where there is the fruit of repentence in our lives, and all th...

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