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Archives for March 2016

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sermon Title:Jesus Is Raised from the Dead, and that's Good News Preaching Passage: Matthew 28:1-20 "He is not here, for he has risen!" Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, the authority that the Father has given to him, and his call for his disciples to go spread his good news. Here are the songs we will sing together: "Christ Is R...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sermon Title: Behold, Your King! Preaching Passage: Matthew 21:1-11 This Sunday we will take a brief pause in our study on the Sermon on the Mount and look ahead to what is called the "Triumphal Entry." Join us as we see Jesus the King entering Jerusalem for the final week of his life. Here are the songs we will sing together, along with a new song: "Crown Him with M...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sermon Title:Kingdom Subjects Preaching Passage: Matthew 5:1-11 This Sunday we will begin going through the Sermon on the Mount together, starting with the Beatitudes, looking at what it means to be "blessed," what it is that Jesus is calling us to, and how we might follow Christ in every area of our lives. Here are the songs we will sing together: "Psalm 100" arrang...

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Preparing for Worship on Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sermon Title: Ambassadors of a New Kingdom Preaching Passage: Matthew 4:12-25 This Sunday we will hear the call from Jesus to "Repent" and "Follow me," looking at what that meant for his disciples, why such a call is worth the cost, and how we now serve as His ambassadors. Here are the songs we will sing together: "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" by Glasser Wesley...

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