Sundays at 10:30am



Preparing for Worship on Sunday, September 27, 2015

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Sermon Title: The God Who Knows

Preaching Passage: Exodus 1-2

This Sunday, we will begin our sermon series through the book of Exodus. We will look at Exodus 1-2 and see how in the midst of suffering and oppression we are to fear God more than men, cry out to the Lord for help, and trust that he hears us and knows our distress.

Songs we'll sing together include:

"O Come, O Come Emmanuel" by Coffin, Helmore, & Neale (YouTube)

"Nothing But the Blood" by Lowry (YouTube)

"Great is Thy Faithfulness" by Chisholm & Runyan (YouTube)

"We're Redeemed" by Heine & Hooten (YouTube)

"We Will Feast in the House of Zion" by McCraken (YouTube)

See you Sunday morning!